Who we are
Fundação Procafé – Fundação de Apoio à Tecnologia Cafeeira LTDA
Recognized worldwide for its research, development and dissemination of coffee technologies, the Procafé Foundation is a private, non-profit entity created by agricultural cooperatives, credit unions, unions and associations. It is a Foundation that, through its statutory purposes , has as its main objective to support the technological development of national coffee farming, keeping it in the world leadership of the coffee sector.
In order to carry out its activities in support of coffee technology, Fundação Procafé has a Work Program supported by a Master Plan whose strategic positioning is based on its mission, vision and values, as follows:
Promote research, support and dissemination of technologies, cultivating partnerships for the sustainability and competitiveness of national coffee production.
To be recognized as an essential entity for the development of national coffee production, acting with quality, credibility and independence.
Cooperation, ethics, innovation, respect for the environment and appreciation of rural producers, employees and partners.