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Alcides Carvalho
Agr. from IAC, Campinas, researcher, creator of many coffee varieties.
Angelo P. de Camargo
Agr. from IAC, then IBC-GERCA, Campinas-SP Nucleus, researcher in climatology.
Adolpho Chebabi
Eng Agr from CATI, Campinas-SP, linked to AT in coffee growing, precursor of skeletonization in coffee trees.
Álvaro M. D'Antonio
Agr. of the IBC, later MAPA, in Varginha and Campinas, linked to coffee pest research.
Armindo A.P.G. Kaiser
Agr. from IBC, a researcher specializing in coffee genetics in Londrina-PR.
Anselmo Bonifacio
Agr. from the IBC, Caratinga-MG, regional coordinator of AT to coffee.
Coaracy de Moraes Franco
Agr. from IAC, then IBC-Gerca in Campinas-SP, researcher in coffee physiology.
Euripides Malavolta
Eng Agr., Professor at ESALQ- Piracicaba-SP, specialized in soil chemistry and plant nutrition.
Geraldo Martins Chaves
Eng Agr Professor at UFV- Viçosa-MG-SP, specialized in phytopathology and diseases of coffee
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